James 1:27

James 1:27

Thursday, June 11, 2015

"Let the little children come to me..."

Blog post 6/11/15

"Let the little children come to me..." Mark 10
Today was a fun day. No question. No doubt. It was simply fun and full of grace. There are those times you have worked hard and emptied yourself and it is a good thing. Medical clinics are like that. They can be frustrating and challenging at times, as well as emotionally and spiritually draining to see the hurt and need. Your heart cannot help but hurt as well. But the smiles, "thank yous", hugs and laughter bring grace and love to all involved. It is a good thing.

Then there are days like today that help you recharge and energize for the last few days of ministry. It is good for the soul. And it is fun!

We have two new members for our remaining time in Uganda. Lamar and Rachel are joining us at the school. Lamar is with Help One Now that runs our sponsorships program in Uganda and Rachel is an intern with HELP. Rachel will be staying with the Newberrys and working at the school. It is awesome to have them join us!

We started out by sleeping in! Edward did not pick us up till 10 am due to the full days of clinics. The extra rest was welcomed and needed by the team.

 We headed out to Iganga which is a town about 30 km from Mayuge, paying a visit to a school run by Amos. The local chairman of the sub county. Yes, that local chairman. He runs a primary school for orphans and vulnerable children (St. Amos Education Center.... Interesting name) and we got a tour and hear a short presentation by the children. I love hearing the songs of greetings that schools do for us. The kids were all smiles. The shook our hands as they greeted us. We got to meet the teachers and pray for them, the children and the school. While I had my frustrations with the chairman in the clinics, I did love seeing the kids and praying for him and the school.
Boarding Rooms


 We then headed to His Mercy and spent the rest of the day with the children. When we arrived Edward took us on a walking tour of the full 9 acre campus. We got to see the soccer field, farm, and the land where an expanded boarding house will go. I am so amazed at all God has done. When we first saw the school it was small. The rooms were wood with a thatched roofed. Today it has full classrooms with teacher’s quarters and a kitchen.  Also are a water well, soccer field, farm, playground, nursery and library. Wow. It is simply incredible. God has done amazing things. All I can do is stand in awe and give thanks to have been a part of it.


The children were singing and dancing for us when we arrived. We got to simply sit and enjoy. Kids would come sit by us and rub our arms (does the white come off? Why is there hair on your arm?). They’d ask us about our families and about America. Then giggle as they had us say things in Lusoga.  It was a great time. Just pouring into the kids, being with them, enjoying their company and laughing with them. Simply holding hands as we walk around the campus. No agenda. Just love. Wonderful!

We had lunch and then covered the teachers in prayer. We then split up and a group went to play games with the kids (Melissa, Sarah, and Rachel). Another group went to move dirt to fill in the foundation of the nursery building (Greg and Lamar). And a group of us painted one of the classroom buildings (Katie, Matt, Katherine, and I). I loved that Viola and Katie's sponsored child stepped in and helped us sand the building!


Overall it was a much needed day. A day full of love, grace, laughter and smiles. These children are beautiful, incredible, funny and smart. We hold them close to our hearts for sure.

Tomorrow a small group of us will drive to Bugembe Hill and watch e sunrise over Jinja at 5:30am. Then we will clean up and head back to the school for another day with the kids... Everyone is excited to get back! We will deliver gifts to sponsor families of goats and chickens then end the day with dinner at Edward's father’s home.

Our hearts are full and tomorrow will, once again, be fun. I know God is smiling at the laughter taking place.

 A few team members are starting to feel a little on the sickly side. Sickness happens sometimes towards the end of the trips. We are tired and worn out. Please keep praying for us.

Plead pray for Tim Newberry, too. He is in the hospital in Kampala with malaria. 

Good night all. God's blessings.



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