James 1:27

James 1:27

Thursday, June 4, 2015

In Gulu


Greetings from Gulu!

After a night of fitful sleep, the team (even after 29 hours of travel we were all excited and anxious once we arrived) was up and ready to go this morning.

We had breakfast and then a short devotional and prayer with Edward, Patrick, Robert, and Grace the driver before heading to Gulu. Edward and two of the church elders are coming to Gulu with us this year to see some of the income projects the churches in the north have started. Our hope is to get some ideas and network to start some projects for the school in Jinja. We are looking at next steps for the school. How to encourage it to become self-sustaining. It is exciting to see God work through both our hosts!

Pastor Edward, Chris, Patrick, Robert and Grace (Our awesome driver)

Today was long and fairly uneventful. An 8 hour bus ride will do that even through beautiful country. We were a quiet group most of the way. Took in the scenery and shared some laughter and fun. We did stop at the drive through and get some stick meat and chapatti. Love both of these!

Today we also got to stop and visit Restoration Gateway. We met Clark Lassey, who is from our area. He and his wife (Joyce.... That's airline angel Joyce) will be moving here permanently. Restoration Gateway was started as a response to the war and has transitioned into a school and medical clinic.  They are also currently building an 180 bed hospital. What an incredible place. To see how God has blessed them to start serving in one way and then progress to another is wonderful. We got to meet some of the staff and pray for Clark and Joyce. It was really a great thing to be able to come and be a blessing to the Lassey's.  Especially since Joyce has been a huge blessing to us for the last few years at the airport!

Our ride. 

We finally arrived in Gulu and were met by our hosts, Reverand David, Pastor Peter, Pastor Solomon, and Pastor Douglas. Big smiles, laughs and hugs. It's like seeing long lost family in Gulu and Jinja!

Tomorrow we head to thee different churches to see some projects, fellowship, dance, worship and share. It is going to be a great time once again to be with our brothers and sisters.

We started today with a devotion on prayer. Our Team is reading Max Lucado's book "Outlive Your Life" and Greg shared the chapter on prayer. (Greg has been a fantastic co-leader. I am super pumped to be here with him). It is one of the last chapters but is titled Prayer First, Pray Often. We discussed how that isn’t always our American way. We know we should pray before we do anything but we seemed to pray after we have worked hard or have exhausted all our options first. However, God tells us the prayers of a righteous man are effective. We try to stay in scripture and prayer on the trips because this is not us doing anything, it is God doing His work through us. So we had a good time starting the day off with prayer. And we thank you for praying first and praying often for us. God has heard and answered.

Greg and the stick meat (roasted goat)
We have made it to Gulu with safe travels and no issues. And tomorrow we begin to serve. We will start the day in prayer that God might use us to be a blessing to someone. Thank you for joining in prayer, as well.

Tomorrow’s blog should have more details from the day’s activities. For now I am off to sleep. Good night and God bless,

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