James 1:27

James 1:27

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Encouragement for our trip

For our time in Gulu the Bishop sent Grace with us to document the trip. She is the communications director for the conference and prepares the newsletter. She will have an article on our time here and we are planing on having it in the Arkansas paper as well.

Jody shared with us last night that Grace was amazed and blessed by what we are doing. She said that having a dentist to extract teeth was something no one ever does for the people; it is an expensive procedure for Ugandans. Grace also said that she loved that we had a prayer corner to pray for and with people. Grace informed us that when other groups come they distribute medicine, but usually do not pray. The spiritual part of the trip is a vital element of the outreach. We consider it an honor and privilege to lift up people and their concerns to God. Grace was also visiting with some of the villagers about the clinic. They said they love that we come. She asked them if they knew who we were and they said yes they knew Jody and Mike. When we arrived Grace asked them to point out Jody and they did! Our coming back over the years has developed a community between us and the village. That is exciting!

Grace also said she stopped by the Humble House to follow up on our visit and she said the place was abuzz! The children loved that we formed a tunnel and prayed for them and blessed them each! Again teams that visit normally do some work and hand out gifts and never pray for the kids. The children loved that we prayed for them!

I do not share these things to brag on our team and say look at us. I say them to thank you for your prayers for us. Prayer works and is felt! Also, I hope this encourages anyone else going on a trip or leading a trip in the future to be sure and take time to pray with people. One thing we have learned coming here is the pain and sickness and hurt will return, but the spiritual healing that comes from faith in Christ will sustain all of us matter what!
Glory to God!

We are about to head out for the last clinic! Pray for us!

Talk to you tonight!


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