James 1:27

James 1:27

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Sharing Christ's Love

Another day of ministry is in the books. The team is just incredible. Everyone has nothing but love and service in their heart. Everyone is working together, encouraging one another and encouraging each other to join them in a task or time with each community. It is really special to see the Hands and Feet of Christ in action!

This morning we headed to the village of Opit. This was the first UMC church in Gulu district.  This village was once a displacement camp during the war; the people decided to stay and keep the community going. Pastor Titus and his wife Lucy are the clergy at the church. Incredible people. Quick to laugh, pray or offer an encouraging word. As we arrived the children's choir greated us with some songs. I love to pull up to a church or a village and people are singing their welcome to us. We went inside and introduced ourselves then got a chance to hear some of the church members give a testimony of how the leadership training and micro finance programs have helped them and their families. It was such a blessed moment to celebrate with the church on projects that are helping them earn an income and support the church. 

Next the program was divided up.  The children went with part of our team outside to play and sing and tell stories. Chris's Holland, Kariel, Ashley, Katie, Olivia, Matt, Katherine, Benson, and Beth do an amazing job interacting with the children. The puppet show was a hit as was singing. Mat brought out the Frisbee; that was a huge hit! These ladies and gentlemen are true examples of Christ's love. Each lady of our team seems to find a child or two that does not want to be away from their side. It is beautiful to see.

Inside the church Chris Holland gave her testimony and Jody shared from scripture. They were encouraging and real in their talks. The congregation was mainly women (this is the same all over Uganda from what we can tell). We had a chance to hear them speak and thank us for coming to visit and spend time with them. Once again the comments and feedback from the time in the field from our team (combined with the testimony from the church members) confirms this is what this year’s trip was supposed to focus on. Each person thanks us for coming. That simple. Taking the time to travel to see them and spending time and letting them share and encourage us is humbling. And powerful.

We had a chance to pray for the men and women in the church after the program. Always special to be praying for a Ugandan while they are praying for you. Three of our ladies were holding newly born babies when one of the momma's asked Titus if the visitors could name their baby. So... Leigh, Alison, and Jennifer got to come up to the front of the church and name a child. Leigh named her boy Joseph. Allison named her girl Faith Hope. And Jennifer named her girl Joy. What an honor and special moment for these great ladies. Each of them were taken aback with the request, as it is a huge honor in the culture.

I think the only time I see Katherine without a baby in her arms or a child holding her hand is on the bus and at the hotel. I may have to check her bag for the flight home.

We also visited the Ariega UMC in Gulu town. This church is led by Pastor Douglas. He and his wife are special people. Humble. Kind. Servant. Worship. Douglas is making a huge impact on his community by raising up leaders and providing incentive to members through micro finance. We learned that the members who have borrowed money to buy supplies or start a business have paid back all their principal and interest. They have done enough that the fund had enough money for the church to buy 10 plastic chairs for the building. The joy and pride on their faces that they had helped people plus they could buy something of their own for the church was priceless. What can be accomplished with a small amount of money when practiced right can impact a family, as well as the church. I am really intrigued to gather more information on the program and see about expanding it to Jinja.

We had a big worship time at Ariega. Long songs of praise with dance moves galore. The program moved outside to prepare for the open air Movie where we would share the Jesus film. While everyone was outside waiting, they started playing the key boards and singing, then dancing broke out. Ashley, Julie, Ally, Naomi, Leigh, and Diane jumped right in with the ladies choir and danced in worship like crazy. It was incredible. Two cultures serving the same God joined together to sing and dance. It was a special, special time.

We left a little early before the Jesus film finished to eat dinner and rest up before tomorrow.

Tomorrow we go to Koch Chorom for church and then will spend the day playing with kids and visiting their community programs- like a banana farm and a brick making group. Koch Chorom has the first permanent UMC church in Gulu district; plus, a first to have a water well free for the community to use. The church provided physical and spiritual living water! Vision of God's kingdom on earth?

As I look back over the last two days if is interesting. I posted yesterday about how different this trip is from previous ones. I was not sure what we would "do" for a full day, but the time passes by way too fast.  We are still exhausted each evening; Even though we are not running around operating a medical clinic, we are fully engage with the people. Everyone is always moving, praying, playing and engaging. When the team hits the ground they hit it hard to start developing relationships. Both days when we get on the bus I have answered the same questions... "Are we going to get to go back to this village tomorrow because this was an incredible time?” and “I just want to spend more time with the people?"... That sounds like God has us doing exactly what we should be doing. I have been overwhelmed twice so far on this trip. Both times were after being thanked for coming, visiting and sharing time with the church we were at. I do not mean to run this into the ground, but the impact on lives by just being present is beautiful!

I am excited to get the team to Koch Chorom and attend regular Sunday morning worship Ugandan style. I have a feeling every team member is going to join the dancing and singing! African church is just incredible. Rather than explain, I have to tell you it is something you have to experience to understand!

An amazing day happened again today. And once again we did not "do" a lot, but we did do so much. Tomorrow should be more of the same. And we are stoked!

Thank you for your prayers. Keep them coming. Everyone is fairly healthy and doing good, but we know the enemy is going to try and distract us. We need prayer, scripture, and servants hearts.

Talk to you soon,



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