is writing a larger story and we are a character in that story and the Author
of the larger story created a specific role for you in His larger story.".
- Rich Sterns
Our team read the book 'Unfinished' by Rich Sterns as a preparation for the
trip. It is a Great book about filling the hole in our gospel. Believing is
only the beginning. We have talked about how God is writing a bigger story and
He has created us a specific role in that bigger story. Our time each day
starts with a devotion and scripture to ground us and center us and prepare us
to go and serve. I would recommend both of his books.
This trip is a part of a larger story concerning the Uganda mission project.
Each team member came on the trip from different places and with different
talents and different reasons. Each of us is getting to be a part of this
chapter in God's bigger story. And we have encouraged everyone to go forth from
Uganda and find the part God is writing for them in the bigger story. Maybe it
is Uganda, South America, Asia, Europe, or America in our own little cities. Wherever,
it is do not miss the opportunity to live out the part God is writing for them.
Today was a good day. A little laid back, but still with opportunities to
serve. We started with a group of us going to Ekisa. Kariel, Leigh, Chirs H, Olivia, Benson, Beth
and I went and spent a couple of hours with the kids in school. This was a part
of the trip Kariel was so excited about and to see her get the chance to have
her heart filled was special to this dad. Again we simply spent time with these
beautiful children with special needs. We used wine tower flash cards, read and
spent time with them. We were present. And we laughed, we played and we loved.
It was incredible. The ladies who started this place are heroes to me. Young
and open to go where God called them. They started caring for disabled children
in Uganda. It isn’t an easy life but it is a blessed one. My daughter was
shining. Each team member was right in the middle with a child just giving them
attention and love. Beautiful.
The rest of the team went to visit Dr. Moses at his home. They dropped off the
remaining medicines from the clinic and thanked him. He is a good man and I love
his laugh and heart.
The team got back together and we headed to visit one of Uganda’s Falls. This
particular spot on the river Nile is called the Bad Place. It is awesome to
behold. It is the half way point on the river rafting trip and includes rapids
you have to walk around they are that intense. It is quite a sight to behold especially
the day before you are about to tackle it!
We then came back to rest up and prepare for the open air crusade in the
village of Buwenda. This is where Edward's church is located. I discovered that
in Jinja district a crusade is like church: Loud music, dancing, singing, and powerful
preaching! The choir was rocking it when we got there. And the team did their
thing- filled in among people. Leigh, Kariel, Chris H, and Olivia joined in
the dancing! They had a local Gospel artist sing a few songs. He had some traditional male dancers and man
could they shake the hips! One of them came down to the crowd and low and
behold if he did not come into the crowd and pull Katie up in front of everyone
and tie a sash around her waist and have her shake her hips with him! She was
awesome! And the crowd loved it! The next song he pulled Namoi up and did the
same thing. Fantastic! Great job ladies!
I also want to say it is so incredible to see Edward preach. He is loud and
powerful! I love to see him share the word. Great man who is my brother and I
love him so much. Special.
I am so proud of Katherine, Benson, and Ashley as they each shared their
testimony front the stage. Each one was to the point and right on. They did a
fabulous job. So proud of our team!
Jody wrapped up and brought a great message as well. And then we danced some
more! The crusade was still going as we left.
The team then did our annual awards ceremony. This started a few years ago (neither
Jody nor I can remember how it stared, but we love it). People can nominate
other team members for fun or encouraging awards from our time together. It is
really a great way to wrap up and enjoy time together. I am very proud to serve
with this team. We have bonded, cared for each other, encouraged and served. I
have found new friends and been blessed by each of them. They give of
themselves and do whatever they can to help. Each one has just been the hands
and feet of Christ to the people and to each other. I will let them tell you
the various awards they won as there were many. We had some fun times on the
long bus rides and learned a lot about each other! But we also came together as
a community. We loved each other. I am
honored to have served with them.
Couple of wrap up things....
We still have some illness running through the team, so please keep up the
prayers for strength and to finish strong.
The team going river rafting is pumped and anxious! Please pray for a fantastic
time (and to keep the crocs and hippos away. Hippos are aggressive creatures
especially during the calving season!) They should all have a blast!
I want to give a shout out to Jody. He is a fantastic team leader and has way
more faith in me then I do! He does a great job keeping us centered and focused
and is always ready to share and encourage. Thank you for your part in this
story my friend! I am honored to serve with you.
I also want to thank my wife Kysia. She is constantly in prayer for the team
while we are away. She edits and published each day’s blog post and pictures.
She is a beautiful lady and does so much back home to stay in contact with
family members and friends. I could not do this without her.
Finally, be patient with your friend or family member as they come back home
and begin to get in the swings of normal life.
It will take some time for some to share. They have seen and experienced
things that rocked their world. They have seen the face of the poor and
suffering, seeing Jesus in his most distressing disguise. They have heard
stores that broke their hearts. They made new friends that they will love forever.
They have so much to share. But they may need time to decompress. Just allow
them to share on their own time. Because when they are ready... Oh the stories
they will tell and the people they will introduce you to! I am changed every
time I come. They are changed as well. Be ready to listen, laugh, cry, pray and
celebrate with them.
Also, the red dirt that covers us all will eventually come off and stop leaving
a residue in the shower. I promise!
Goodnight. God bless. Talk to you tomorrow.
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