James 1:27

James 1:27

Friday, June 15, 2012

A day of various ministry

Good evening faily and friends Today was a day filled with a variety of ministry opportunities. The team started out by going to the local prison in Jinja town. We brought gifts for the prisoners of blankets, soap, and razors. This year the gifts stayed with the guards and were not brought out to the general population! (incident last year that was 30 seconds of intensity, but all was good). Jody spoke to the prisoners about second chances and it was great. Many men made a decision to follow Christ and take the second chance God provides. I must say I aws a bit apprehensive going back after last year, but I knew God wanted us there to encourage the men. We did that and now Edward and his team are able to come and disciple the believers. Many of the men came up to talk to the team as we left. It was really a blessed time to minister. Then Tamara, Charles, Kysia and Chris went with Pastor Edward to visit the school at Kikubo again. I love this little school. It is amazing to see the progress of the grounds from our first visit. It was such a humble place. Now it is a light in the village. We got to watch a debate with the students and then they all sang and danced to welcome us. I started shaking my hips along with them and they loved it! This school is really blessing lives. It has enough class rooms for Primary 1 through 7 and a place for up to 20 kids to stay on sight. A kitchen is in the works and a new pit latrine as well. Al the. Lass rooms have new cement floors and stuccoed walls inside and out. Plus there are new wooden desks for the children to use. What a beautiful sight! Kysia and I got to see our sponsored child, Viola, again. She is such a sweetheart. Kysia told me that as we were leaving Viola was crying. I am glad I did not see it because I would have been a wreck. What a beautiful little girl. We also got to see one of my friends from past trips, Florence Baguma. Florence was a hue help to ajonah and I a coupe of years ago and she and I got to hang out last year as well. She is quiet and always has a great smile. It was so good to see these two little angels! We then met up with the other team at Wayange UMC for a service. This is where Traci has been meting with a women's group and teaching and discipline them. The bishop Daniel Wandabula was there again and a smaller Hope 4 Arica Childrens Choir. Jody shared a message (he is a fantastic preacher!) as Dottie and Melissa shared their testimony. It was a great time for the church to say, not goodbye to Traci, but see you soon. You could tell the impact this church and these ladies had on Traci and the impact she on them. It was a wonderful time of celebration. The ladies group was also presented with umbrellas so they could still walk to church when it rained. We in America really have no excuses for not attending church except for sickness. These ladies walk every where. I am so humbled to get to meet and talk with them. The people we meet a gracious and thankful for our coming. Great time to celebrate with Traci. The evening finished with the team eating pizza at Sergio's and sharing awards for each other. It was a great night of fun and laughter and fellowship. I am so thankful for all who came to Uganda to serve. I still cannot believe how far this mission project has Coe and where it is going and will keep going. god has doe some amazing things. I am humbled. What a great night! Tormorrow a group of us will go rafting on the Nile. A group will go to Sipi Falls and a few will just relax a d stroll around Jinja. It is time for us to come home. I love to be here and serve and interact and worship with my brothers and sisters. Africa is an amazing lace of hope and despair and poverty and love. I see God in his most distressing disguise and it is also so beautiful. Be ready to let your family or friend have some time to process when they he back home. It takes some time to really talk about it. But once they are ready oh the stories they will tell and the people they will introduce you to. We have experienced God in an amazing way. Get ready to want to come with us next year! God bless you all. I a off to bed because I need my rest to conquer the river Nile tomorrow! Peace Chris and Kysia


Anonymous said...

Benedict was a wise saint in the first millenium who brought healthy change to the church. One of his best ideas was “Holy Leisure”—a time of enjoyable rest to reconnect with God.

May the Holy Spirit guide each of you into a time of deep, holy leisure as you begin to decompress in preparation of re-entering Northwest Arkansas soon (and the culture shock that’s surely on the horizon).

Your brother in Christ—


Chris Thornton said...

I really appreciate your comments and verses and prayers. I have shared them with the team.

Anonymous said...

Things OK with you all? (No blog update in 80 hours or so).

Been praying for traveling mercies & protection from the “Cultural Bends” as folks work at healthy decompression from the depths of Uganda back into the surface of what’s considered as normal in NWA.



Chris Thornton said...

Yes. No wifi at hotel in Uganda. Arrived at Amsterdam.