James 1:27

James 1:27

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Day 2 of clinics in the village of Lucero

Greetings family, friends, and supporters, Our second day of clinics is done here in Mayuge district. After word spread yesterday about the clinic it was packed this morning. We saw 287 patients in medical, 61 in dental with 44 teeth removed, and filled 1,075 prescriptions. The team just keeps pouring themselves out in service to others and God keeps filling them up. I am truly blessed to be a part of is team and their heart to serve. Today was a rough day. Not only did we have the large numbers of people who showed up to see the doctors, but the local district chairman and headmaster of the school where we were all kept trying to get their family in first. Mike Adelman is my hero. I do know how he does it. He does triage and assigns tickets to who can go see the doctors and he gets everyone asking him to let them see the doctor. The man is grace and mercy and love under pressure. I tried to assist him, but I feel I get in his way. He handles the politicians so well. He asks questions and reads what is happening and stops things if it gets out of hand and keeps it moving when it is time. Mike's heart for Uganda is so big and full of love. I am honored to call him my brother! The prayer room was also a place of power today! The local policeman we had to provide protection (he walked around keeping order holding his AK-47) came to accept Christ in his life today in the prayer room! Kysia told me that he was visibly moved by his decision. What a glorious thing! They also prayed for a little girl with sickle cell anemia and her belly was severely swollen. There was nothing the doctors could do for her and they believe she only has a short time left to live. This is some of the difficult things of the clinics. Breaks my heart. She did have the sweetest smile ever. What a beautiful little girl. Kysia told me that the children (there are always tons of children) would come into the prayer room and, even though they could not understand English, would come in and point to what hurt on them and she would pray. They knew what was going on and asked for prayer. God is so good! This village is one we have never been to before. It is hard to see the poverty and the desperation. It is as if the frontier days of America never progressed here. The people have nothg and a simple beanie baby or wooden cross necklace are like gold. I can be overwhelmed sometimes and begin to think of all we cannot do, but that is not what God called us to do. We are not here to solve all of Uganda or Africa or the village of Lucero's problems. We are to come and love. We are to come and share our faith. We are to come and simply let the community know they are not forgotten. They matter to God and they matter to us. This is what keeps us going. We cannot solve all issues, but we can love them. At times I do all I can to hold back tears. My strength is found in Christ alone. Great things are being done. Mother Thearsa one said, "if you cannot help 100 then help just one". This is our mission in Uganda. Dottie and Morgan went to the orphanage today and Richard went back to the house build. One great thing that happened is Kysia and I went with Pastor Edward to the village of Kikubo to see the school project that Central UMC is working on. (Kysia's first boda boda ride! All three of us on one motorcycle for 12 miles on dirt roads. Awesome!) the team will get to see the school tomorrow, but it was one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen. The classrooms are almost complete and the playground swing is in place and the new desks are perfect! I will post some pictures tomorrow. This school has come a long way from our first visit in 2008. The children just screamed and yelled when they saw us pull in. We still have much to complete, but the progress is all God and He gets the glory! We continue to see Muslims and we continue to treat them, love them, and pray for them. We make no bones about why we are there and who we are praying to. We welcome all to the clinic. I want to brag on some people... Dr Thorn is amazing. Always positive. Always kind. He is truly a blessing. Samantha is quiet, but she is so strong. Se is always smiling and working. I am amazed to see her. Great young lady. Audrey is cool. Flat out cool. She is quick to watch her dad help a patient or pull a tooth (she did that today) or fill scripts or run and play with kids. Morgan is a riot. Always keeping us laughing. She has a great spirit and loves to be with the children. What a great young lady! (today she got to ride a boda boda and also killed her first chicken by cutting its head off at the orphanage. She was pumped!) Traci and Melissa keep the pharmacy moving along smooth. Great ladies! Jacqueline and Keith make a great team in the dental area. I love to see my friend and his future wife serving together like this. Susan is the team mom. She is quick to help some one and is always looking or ways to serve and love on people. Charles and Tamara just amaze me by how they jump right in on their duties and do it with grace and love. I love Richard and Dottie. Their hearts are so full of love it is inspiring. you can see Dottie's heart for special needs kids ad it is beautiful. Richard is a riot to be around. He is always ready to ate in and work and he is flat out funny. He is always making the kids laugh. Kysia... This is personal for me but I am typing the blog so it is a perk! My wife is amazing. She has poured herself out for others (team and patients) each day and it is moving to see. I have seen her step outside of her comfort zone and just be a blessing. The language barrier is tough in the prayer room because sometimes you just pray and you are not sure of the ailment. Kysia has worked to be filled by God's power, strength, and love and pours that back out to the people. I am a blessed man to share is life with her! I will also state that every husband and wife should go on a trip and serve together. No excuses. Good night. The team is tired and we have an early morning. Pray for us and thank you for your support. God bless Chris


Anonymous said...

May the Holy Spirit increase your desire for intimacy with Him so that grace continues to flow from you to these precious people. May He protect your hearts from compassion exhaustion along with practical wisdom to know when/how to conclude a day’s work.

It’s really a joy to read this every day & pray for you all.

Be blessed with accelerated sleep!


Chris Thornton said...

Thank you for e words and prayers. This has been a great trip with some difficulties as usual. It is beautiful to see the church in America working wi the church in Uganda to care and love the poor and downtrodden. Than you sir.