James 1:27

James 1:27

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

May 30: The Great Eight Will Dominate

Today we wrapped up our last medical clinic for this trip. There is always a sense of urgency at the last clinic; from both the team and the people. The team wants to see every person get medical treatment. The people know that this is the last time to see a doctor for possibly a year. It can make for some anxiety.

Aboard Rosa
But the Great Eight came prayed up and prepared to finish strong! We discussed some changes in the flow and the set-up for the pharmacy. We then had a great devotional time led by Gary. He and Greg have done an outstanding job in our team devotional to keep us centered and focused.

We prayed up and hit the road to Mayuge, only to have to circle back to the hotel, as I thought I had lost my passport. After a frantic search through my backpack, room and suitcase, I was panicked.
Then I emptied my pack and there is was! First time in 11 years to experience this. Whew!

Everyone was in the same stations, and today went incredible. Pharmacy was smooth. Gracie interacted with people waiting for the doctor. Greg ushered and helped me with triage. Susan, Abby, and Alley were rock stars in the pharmacy. Katie was the wound care queen again and always seemed to have kids around her! Her heart inspires me! And Dr. Thorn was calm, cool, and compassionate. He is the even keel of the team. I love his heart.

We arrived to what looked like more people than yesterday waiting for us. There was a lot to do and so we worked.... And ended up seeing every single person! 574 people got some sort of medical or dental treatment today. That is a major God moment! It seemed things would never end and we would leave people disappointed, but God used the team (local and American) to be His hands and feet. It was a powerful day!

The team is tired and drained. Clinics are hard and tons of work, but also incredible. Be proud of the Great Eight. They have been open to do whatever to help. And the love they have shown is bright!

Prayers for rest. Health. And to finish strong.

Good night.


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